Ndërtesat e referuese

Dritaret si pjesë e një fasade shprehin mjaft qartë stilin dhe cilësinë e jetës. Faktori emocional luan një rol të rëndësishëm. Eleganca vizuale për një ambient tërheqës jetese është po aq e rëndësishme sa kostoja e fabrikimit dhe aspektet teknike si izolimi i nxehtësisë dhe zërit dhe mbrojtja kundër vjedhjeve.

Konvikti i shpuesve në det në portin e ishullit Borkum të Detit të Veriut

On the waterfront: the Offshore Workers Residential Complex in the harbour of the North Sea island of Borkum realises a new living concept. The complex with more than one hundred apartments is perfectly tailored to its residents: service workers from offshore wind farms.


Parajsa me pishinë: Vila Kambel në Kroaci

Paradise with pool and privacy: Villa Kambel is located on the Adriatic coast of Dalmatia, only fifty metres from the sea. This is a holiday home in a class of its own with three floors, its own heated pool, loggia, roof terrace with Jacuzzi and bar and three bedrooms with a fantastic panoramic view over the azure sea of the Adriatic and the islands off the Dalmatian coast.


Pasqyra e natyrës

Peisazhi malor i fshatit alpin shqiptar të Razmës është aq mahnitës sa arkitektët e kësaj vile pushimi vendosën ta pasqyrojnë atë në ndërtesë: forma A e saj pasqyron majat e thepisura të maleve rreth dy mijë metra, ndërsa fasada prej xhami imiton natyrën e virgjër të rajonit alpin të Shkodrës.


Gold në Goldschmidtstraße

Gewandhaus, Paulinerkirche, Augustusplatz - kompleksi rezidencial Goldschmidtstraße ndodhet në lagjen më të bukur të Leipzig. Çdo metër katror këtu është historikisht interesant: gati dyqind vjet më parë këtu lulëzoi një librari, më vonë shtëpia botuese dhe redaksia e Mitteldeutsche Volks-Zeitung u vendosën këtu.


Ndërtesa rezidenciale dhe komerciale Westspitze / Gjermani

Living in a prime location: the “Westspitze” residential and commercial building in Tübingen is located directly on the blue bridge that connects Tübingen’s Südstadt with the city centre and the historic city centre. On the trapezoidal plot, a former freight station site, a complex has been created that cleverly combines living, working and shopping and stands for a sustainable neighbourhood concept with short distances.


Kompleksi modern i banimit Jeżycka 39 në Poloni

In the beating heart of the city: with 540,000 inhabitants, Poznań is Poland’s fifth-largest city, and Jeżyce is one of its hippest districts. The density of restaurants, cafés and bars in this Art Nouveau quarter is high, this is where people meet, this is where urban life takes place.


Kompleksi rezidencial Plauen / Gjermani

Company beats solitude: this is the idea behind this residential complex in Plauen. 23 modern apartments were built on a park-like plot in Plauen’s Westend district. With 70 to 150 square metres, they are generously proportioned, have south-facing balconies and are architecturally sophisticated in every detail – plus the GEALAN system S 9000 windows in GEALAN-acrylcolor® silver match.


Spitali Universitar i Vilniusit SANTAROS KLINIKOS

Warm wine red: this colour is an integral part of the appearance of the SANTAROS KLINIKOS University Hospital in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius. The distinctive, dark red adorns the logo, website and façade – and of course the window profiles had to bear exactly this colour.

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