Contact us

The head office of the GEALAN group of companies is in Oberkotzau in Upper Franconia, while our central manufacturing and logistics location is in Tanna in Thuringia. GEALAN also produces and sells its PVC profiles at sixteen other European locations in Lithuania, Poland and Romania (extrusion), Croatia, Russia and France (trading branches) as well as in Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Serbia-Montenegro, Slovakia, Spain, the Czech Republic and Hungary (representative offices). We also deliver to other countries.

Contact us

GEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH

Hofer Straße 80

D-95145 Oberkotzau

GEALAN Tanna Fenster-Systeme GmbH

Gewerbegebiet Kapelle-Nord 23

07922 Tanna/Thuringia

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The GEALAN corporate group is of Europe's leading manufacturers of vinyl profiles for windows and doors.

©2025 GEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH