Compliance / Whistleblower System

To protect our company & partners

GEALAN Whistleblower System

We adhere to legal regulations and internal compliance rules.

At GEALAN, we attach great importance to compliance with legal regulations and our internal rules. That's why we need to identify risks and violations at an early stage in order to avert potential damage to employees, our partners and the company.

Our whistleblowing system is intended to give you the opportunity to inform us about violations of legal regulations and/or rules. By doing so, you are helping to protect our company.

Report rule violations in the company

To ensure that rule violations at GEALAN can be detected quickly and that reports can be followed up appropriately and promptly, we have set up various reporting channels.

These can be used by our employees as well as by outsiders to provide information about violations of rules – e.g  . corruption offences, violations of antitrust law, money laundering regulations, data protection regulations or environmental regulations. 

Contact our Compliance Organization

In the event of a suspicion of rule violations or violations of the law, or if you have indications of such violations, you have several options for contacting us.

GEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH
Chief Compliance Officer
Hofer Straße 80
D-95145 Oberkotzau

Phone: +49 9286 77 2110

Alternatively, you can also contact our trusted lawyer Dr. Tobias Eggers, an external lawyer who has accompanied the establishment of our compliance management system from the very beginning. He will advise you if necessary and may not pass on your information or identity to us without your consent.

Lawyer Dr. Tobias Eggers
PARK White Collar Crime
Rheinlanddamm 199
D-44139 Dortmund

Phone: +49 (0) 231 958068-12
Fax: +49 (0) 231 958068-25
Mobile: +49 (0) 160 4779546

It is also possible to submit information anonymously. In this case, please attach as many details and documents (if any) as possible that support your suspicions. Of course, their reference can only be effective if sufficiently concrete approaches to investigation emerge.

Click here to access the whistleblowing system of the Laumann Group, to which GEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH also belongs: 

We are conscientiously following up on all leads. In connection with the processing of this information, we attach great importance to confidentiality and fair dealings with the whistleblower. Of course, this also applies to employees who may be affected by an accusation.

Report possible policy violations

The Whistleblower System

Here you can access the whistleblower system of the Laumann Group, to which GEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH also belongs.

Have we aroused your interest?

Contact us, we will be happy to help you.


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The GEALAN corporate group is of Europe's leading manufacturers of vinyl profiles for windows and doors.

©2025 GEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH