
BHB – OKNA TRUTNOV spol. s r.o.



Náchodská 529, Trutnov, 541 01


+420 603 851 591

BHB-OKNA spol. s r.o. was founded in 1996 in Trutnov. From the very beginning it has specialized in the production of PVC windows and doors. In the first years, its production capacities were fully occupied by exporting products abroad, mainly to Germany. Gradually, the demand on the domestic market began to increase. The emphasis on the quality of the windows produced helped the company to achieve this.

The company now employs around thirty trained employees who work in modern, automated production with the latest machinery. So you have windows direct from the manufacturer, which offers several advantages. Currently, the company is one of the largest manufacturers of PVC windows and doors in East Bohemia.

The company strives to meet its customers' needs and requirements in every way. We offer many years of experience and professional approach.

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The GEALAN corporate group is of Europe's leading manufacturers of vinyl profiles for windows and doors.

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