Even plastic windows require maintenance

Proper maintenance of plastic windows for decades of gloss and stability

Classic wooden windows need to be regularly cleaned and maintained to keep them intact. By comparison, plastic windows require much less maintenance. However, to ensure a long service life, even plastic windows should be regularly cleaned. But this does not take much time and effort. To prevent dirt from collecting on the frame, wipe it down with a damp cloth. Otherwise, the window may be damaged by the dirt in the long run, as it can penetrate deep into the plastic frame. A soft cloth should always be used to ensure a gentle clean. A number of cleaning agents for plastic frames are available on the market. In general, using a mild soap solution is just fine. You can also mix a small amount of detergent with warm water and use this as the cleaning agent. Whatever the case, you should not use any aggressive chemicals, as these can attack and damage the plastic.


Extend the maintenance to all parts of the window

Besides the frame, the other parts should also be maintained. The window fittings also need to be regularly cleaned. It is important to grease the fittings so that they continue to function and operate smoothly. The insulation and seals are another important part of every window. Just like the frame, they should be cleaned with a soap solution and then greased. Neglecting the seals can, in some cases, eventually lead to small cracks in the long run. This can negatively affect the tightness and therefore the thermal and sound insulation. The insulation should particularly be greased before and after winter, as the seals are more susceptible to damage at cold temperatures. Besides the seals and fittings, the drainage openings in the frame should not be forgotten. This is another area in which dirt is likely to collect. It is important to clean the drainage openings to make sure that these stay open and ensure the necessary drainage. If they are blocked, moisture is not able to drain, which increases the risk of mould formation. Regular maintenance of all elements of a window is therefore important for a long service life as well as a perfectly preserved insulation.

What cleaning agents should I use?

A soap solution or warm water with detergent can be used to remove light soiling and for general maintenance of the window frame. If heavier soiling is present, the stain should be pretreated depending on the type and size of the stain. Various detergents and household products can be used in this case. For paint and lacquer stains, pretreatment with spirit or turpentine substitute is advisable. Another option is to heat the stain with a hairdryer and then carefully scratch it off with a plastic spatula. By contrast, adhesive residue can best be removed with carpet adhesive remover or cooking oil. For tough stains, another option is to use a rubber eraser. In this case, you will need a customary, colourless model. Either way, you should first test the effect of the rubber eraser at an inconspicuous spot on the window frame. Besides this, special plastic cleaners are available for other types of soiling, such as nicotine. After treating the frame with the products listed, the window should be wiped down with a soap solution as previously mentioned. Aggressive chemicals, such as acetone, nail polish remover, WD40, chlorinated bleaching agents, nitro thinners or scouring agent should definitely be avoided. They could attack and damage the plastic.

Cleaning acrylcolor colour windows

Colour windows can give rooms and buildings a completely new look. These types of windows can also be easily cleaned using the methods mentioned above. But you should always remember to clean the frame from the inside and outside. This keeps the individual colour of the windows consistent. You can find more information on acrylcolor colour windows at www.gealan.de/en/colouring-acrylcolor. A different approach is needed for cleaning involuntarily coloured windows. For yellowed windows, which have been discoloured by nicotine or grease residue, you should use a cleaning agent developed specifically for this purpose. Alternatively, they can also be treated with citric acid. This should be left to act on the frame for a few minutes and then wiped off with a damp cloth.
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