Residential building

Transformation and redevelopment

Projekt részlet

Objektum típusa

Residential building


S 9000


GEALAN-acrylcolor® DB 703


Wolfsburg / Deutschland

Építés éve



KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten / Braunschweig


NEULAND Wohnungsgesellschaft mbh / Wolfsburg


MABO Fenster und Türen GmbH & Co. KG / Oschersleben

The seven urban villas of the second building phase continue the positive change to the housing development "Neue Burg" which started back in 2008 with the transformation of the existing buildings from the 1960s. In both cases KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten, Brunswick were the planners. The new tenements in Wolfsburg Detmerode with their height, cubature and colourfulness fit harmoniously into the context of town planning. Terraces, balconies and floor-length GEALAN plastic windows with coloured acrylcolor surfaces make connecting with the outside space instantly possible and consistently implement the idea of "living close to nature". Alongside the affordable rent, these 92 apartments distinguish themselves through their energy saving construction complying to KfW 55 standard as well as the use of geothermal energy and photovoltaics.

Used products and innovations from GEALAN

S 9000

Az S 9000 profilcsalád egy modern, sokoldalú rendszer ablakokhoz, ajtókhoz és emelő-toló ajtókhoz, választhatóan két, vagy három tömítési síkkal.
Bővebben S 9000

Innovations GEALAN-acrylcolor®

Modern akrilüveges felület innovatív kialakítással a karcmentes, hosszú élettartamért.
Bővebben Innovations GEALAN-acrylcolor®
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