
Hotel Ramada Innsbruck Tivoli

Layihə təfərrüatı

Obyekt növü


Pəncərə sistemi

S 8000 IQ


GEALAN-acrylcolor® Silver (similar to RAL 9007)


Innsbruck / Austria

Tikinti ili



Henke & Schreieck / Vienna

Pəncərə ustası

FARKALUX Fenster- & Elementbau GmbH / Kematen

Located in the centre of the Tyrolean capital is the Hotel Ramada Innsbruck Tivoli, which opened in December 2011. The building looks out over a breathtaking panorama of the surrounding mountains and the world-famous Bergisel ski jump.

When it came to designing the windows, the mandatory sound protection requirements for hotels as well as increased protection against wind and driving rain had to be taken into consideration. Another criterion was the slanted windows on the front of the hotel. The solution was easy-to-clean and extremely tough acrylcolor windows.

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